The upcoming events can be viewed from the home pageCancellation terms: Participation can be cancelled one week (7 days) before the training. In case of cancellation after this (3-6 days), before the training, 50% of the participation fee will be charged. If cancellation is made two (2) days before the training or later, no refunds will be issued. The participant can be changed to another person from the same company without an additional fee. Cancellation or changing participant is done by contacting the trainer by email.
Participation can be moved to another time due to an accident or illness, if there are trainings available. The notification of an accident or illness must be done before the training by contacting the trainer by email. Individual sessions of a training will not be refunded due to illness or other absence.
The training can be cancelled by organizer at the latest one week before the training if there are not enough participants. Participants are informed about cancellation by email and participation fee will be refunded. Rights to small changes are reserved, including illness of the trainer. Participants are informed about the changes by email as soon as possible.